Add to a Bard Story|Back to Bard Stories
"; print "


"; $story="SELECT * from s_entries where parent='$ID' order by ID ASC"; $story2=mysql_query($story) or die("Could not select story"); while($story3=mysql_fetch_array($story2)) { $story3[entry]=badwords($story3[entry]); $story3[entry]=strip_tags($story3[entry]); $story3[entry]=wordwrap( $story3[entry], 30, "\n", 1); print "(Author:$story3[name])

"; } } else //looking at root { print "

Listing of Current Bard Stories

"; $titleselect="SELECT * from s_titles"; $titleselect2=mysql_query($titleselect) or die ("Could not select stories"); while ($titleselect3=mysql_fetch_array($titleselect2)) { print "$titleselect3[title] --- ($titleselect3[numposts] parts)
"; } } //put footer below this line?>
"@#c#", 'shit'=>"@$i@", 'cunt'=>"@$n@", ); $post=str_replace(array_keys($badwords), array_values($badwords), $post); return $post; } ?>